Detailed and profound value stream analysis delivers a good first impression of weaknesses and optimisation potential in the flow of material and information. Simultaneous implementation of ABC/XYZ classification and the analysis of master and dynamic data create transparency in regard to volumes and workloads in pre- and final assembly zones. Restructuring can be used to introduce segmentation, e.g. into fast sellers and exotic products, that modifies the arrangement of the factory layout to suit the material flow. Introduction of flow manufacturing is another established method if sufficient unit numbers and value added content are in demand. Experience has shown that the allocation of assembly volumes per cycle, the number of assembly stations (cycles), the length of lines, the layout of workstations per cycle and the synchronisation of pre-assembly are challenging planning tasks. Then there is the suitable line-side presentation of material to support minimised workload assembly, for instance using preconfigured sets and push-through rack storage for small parts. The production of suitable layout variants is the final step in the planning task. Our project experience has shown that an entire package of planning tasks is necessary in order to achieve a state of excellence, but also that expertise acquired in other industries can easily be adapted. Here, for instance, we have already translated solution methodologies from the automotive industry for use in medical technology or mechanical engineering.
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